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Ketika Taruhan Olahraga Menjadi Gaya Hidup: Bettor Profesional yang Menginspirasi

Ketika Taruhan Olahraga Menjadi Gaya Hidup: Bettor Profesional yang Menginspirasi

Gaya Hidup Bettor Profesional

Disiplin Finansial yang Kuat

Bettor profesional memiliki disiplin finansial yang kuat, yang membedakannya dari pemain biasa. Mereka tahu pentingnya mengelola uang dengan bijak dan selalu mematuhi rencana mereka. Ini merupakan langkah pertama menuju kemenangan dalam taruhan olahraga idnsport.

Bettor profesional memiliki aturan tentang waktu bertaruh dan jumlah taruhan. Mereka menyadari bahwa kekonsistenan dalam pengelolaan keuangan adalah penting untuk kesuksesan jangka panjang. Dengan memahami batasan mereka dan mempertahankan kontrol keuangan, mereka dapat menghindari jebakan emosional yang sering menghancurkan pemain judi bola resmi biasa.

Penelitian Mendalam

Bettor profesional tidak hanya bergantung pada intuisi atau keberuntungan. Mereka melakukan penelitian mendalam tentang tim, pemain, dan situasi yang dapat memengaruhi hasil pertandingan. Mereka melihat statistik, tren, dan berita terbaru yang dapat memengaruhi hasil taruhan mereka sehingga mereka dapat membuat keputusan yang lebih baik.

Mereka menyelidiki sejarah pertemuan antara dua tim, cedera pemain penting, dan variabel lain yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja tim. Mereka menggunakan semua informasi ini untuk memprediksi dengan akurat hasil pertandingan.

Manajemen Risiko yang Bijak

Untuk menang dalam taruhan olahraga, bettor profesional tahu kapan harus bertaruh besar dan kapan harus bermain aman. Mereka selalu memiliki strategi cadangan dan tidak mempertaruhkan semua modal mereka dalam satu taruhan. Ini membantu menjaga aset dan tetap eksis dalam jangka panjang.

Selain itu, mereka menghindari keinginan untuk mengubah taktik mereka secara impulsif. Ketika mereka kalah dalam taruhan, mereka tidak langsung mencoba mengembalikan kerugian itu dengan taruhan lebih besar; sebaliknya, mereka tetap tenang, mengikuti rencana mereka, dan melihat ke depan.

Bettor profesional juga tahu bahwa kehilangan uang adalah bagian dari permainan; mereka tidak terpengaruh oleh kekalahan dan tidak mengambilnya secara pribadi; dalam jangka panjang, strategi mereka akan menghasilkan keuntungan.

Bettor profesional menang dalam taruhan olahraga karena disiplin finansial, penelitian mendalam, dan manajemen risiko yang bijak. Mereka menunjukkan dengan jelas bahwa taruhan olahraga dapat menjadi gaya hidup yang menguntungkan jika diambil serius dan dengan tanggung jawab. Artikel ini akan membahas bagaimana taruhan olahraga sbobet 88 dapat mendorong orang lain untuk bergabung.

Taruhan Olahraga sebagai Gaya Hidup

Taruhan Olahraga sebagai Gaya Hidup
Taruhan Olahraga sebagai Gaya Hidup

Sukses sebagai Bukti Konsep “Kerja Keras Membayar”

Bettor profesional adalah contoh nyata dari gagasan bahwa kerja keras menghasilkan hasil. Mereka menghabiskan banyak waktu dan upaya untuk mempelajari dunia taruhan olahraga, dan ketika mereka berhasil, itu menjadi inspirasi bagi orang lain untuk berusaha lebih keras untuk mencapai impian mereka. Mereka menunjukkan bahwa kesuksesan bukanlah hasil dari keberuntungan semata-mata; itu adalah hasil dari kerja keras dan dedikasi yang konsisten.

Banyak orang awalnya skeptis tentang kemungkinan mencari uang melalui taruhan olahraga toto macau. Namun, mereka berubah pikiran ketika mereka melihat bettor profesional yang sukses. Mereka belajar bahwa bahkan aktivitas yang dianggap hiburan semata dapat menjadi pekerjaan yang menghasilkan jika mereka melakukannya dengan sungguh-sungguh.

Memotivasi untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan

Lihat bettor profesional menganalisis pertandingan dengan tepat dan membuat keputusan taruhan yang bijak dapat memotivasi kita untuk belajar lebih banyak tentang olahraga yang kita sukai. Mungkin kita akan mulai mempelajari statistik, taktik, dan strategi dari olahraga tersebut sehingga kita dapat membuat taruhan yang lebih cerdas.

Bettor profesional sering berbagi pendapat mereka tentang olahraga melalui blog, podcast, atau saluran media sosial. Mereka menjelaskan analisis mereka dan memberikan wawasan yang mendalam tentang bagaimana mereka membuat keputusan taruhan, sehingga orang lain dapat belajar dari mereka dan mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang olahraga.

Selain itu, ketika seseorang menjadi lebih terlibat dalam taruhan olahraga, mereka juga menjadi lebih terlibat dalam olahraga itu sendiri. Mereka memperluas pengalaman mereka sebagai penggemar olahraga dan meningkatkan apresiasi mereka terhadap permainan dengan mengikuti berita olahraga terbaru atau menghadiri pertandingan secara langsung.

Berbagi Kebijaksanaan dan Pengalaman

Bettor profesional sering berbagi pengetahuan mereka dengan orang lain di dunia taruhan olahraga. Mereka melakukan ini dengan menulis blog, membuat video, atau berpartisipasi dalam forum taruhan untuk berbagi pengalaman dan strategi mereka. Ini membentuk komunitas yang kuat dan saling mendukung.

Para pemula dapat belajar dari komunitas ini, bertukar ide, dan mendapatkan panduan dari orang yang lebih berpengalaman. Ini menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung kemajuan dalam taruhan olahraga. Selain itu, bettor profesional sering memberikan saran dan tips taruhan idn slot 777 kepada anggota komunitas mereka tentang pertandingan tertentu, yang dapat membantu mereka mencapai kesuksesan lebih cepat.


Taruhan olahraga bukan hanya tentang mencari nafkah; itu bisa menjadi gaya hidup yang menginspirasi. Bettor profesional menunjukkan bahwa taruhan olahraga memerlukan usaha keras, dedikasi, dan pengetahuan yang mendalam untuk menang. Selain itu, mereka dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi bagi orang lain untuk mencapai impian mereka dan meningkatkan keterampilan olahraga mereka. Taruhan olahraga dapat mendorong kita untuk belajar lebih banyak, memahami lebih banyak, dan berbagi pengalaman dengan orang lain yang semangat. Taruhan olahraga bisa menjadi lebih dari sekadar hiburan; itu bisa menjadi gaya hidup yang mendorong kita untuk sukses.

Bertaruh pada Seni Bela Diri Campuran: UFC 101

Bertaruh pada Seni Bela Diri Campuran: UFC 101

Menikmati Keajaiban UFC

UFC, Olahraga yang Memikat Hati dan Jiwa

Seni Bela Diri Campuran, juga dikenal sebagai Mixed Martial Arts atau MMA, adalah salah satu olahraga paling menarik dan eksplosif di seluruh dunia. UFC adalah arena di mana para pejuang terbaik di dunia bersaing dalam pertarungan yang menarik dan brutal yang menggabungkan berbagai gaya bertarung, seperti gulat, tinju, jujitsu, dan karate. Bagi para penggemar, setiap pertandingan adalah pengalaman penuh adrenalin; UFC bukan hanya memikat, tetapi juga menyentuh.

Dua pejuang dalam pertarungan UFC menggunakan berbagai teknik untuk mengalahkan lawan mereka. Pukulan hebat, tendangan mematikan, atau bahkan teknik submission yang luar biasa bisa menjadi hasil dari pertarungan ini. Dalam UFC, tidak ada tempat untuk menyerah; petarung harus menunjukkan kekuatan fisik, mental, dan ketahanan mereka untuk melakukan yang terbaik dari kemampuan mereka.

Mengenal Keunikan Taruhan pada UFC

UFC tidak hanya menarik para penggemar olahraga, tetapi juga para penjudi judi bola. Taruhan pada pertandingan UFC memberikan cara baru untuk menikmati pertarungan. Ini adalah cara terbaik untuk lebih terlibat dalam setiap laga dan juga menghasilkan uang.

Dalam dunia taruhan UFC, ada banyak jenis taruhan yang bisa Anda coba, dan ini hanyalah beberapa di antaranya:

  1. Taruhan dengan garis uang: Ini adalah jenis taruhan yang paling umum di UFC. Anda bertaruh pada pemenang kompetisi. Petarung memiliki peluang. Petarung A memiliki peluang -150, sementara petarung B memiliki peluang +120. Jika Anda bertaruh $150 pada petarung A dan dia menang, Anda akan memenangkan $100, tetapi jika Anda bertaruh $100 pada petarung B dan dia menang, Anda akan memenangkan $120.
  2. Over/Under Betting: Jenis taruhan ini melibatkan memprediksi berapa lama pertarungan akan berlangsung; Anda bisa bertaruh apakah pertandingan akan berakhir sebelum atau setelah putaran tertentu. Ini adalah taruhan yang menarik karena memungkinkan Anda memprediksi seberapa panas pertarungan akan menjadi.
  3. Prop Betting: Prop betting adalah cara yang menyenangkan untuk memasukkan elemen kejutan dalam taruhan Anda, seperti siapa yang akan mendapatkan bonus K.O. malam itu atau apakah pertarungan akan berakhir dengan submission.

Strategi Bertaruh pada UFC

Jika Anda ingin menjadi bettor UFC yang sukses, Anda perlu memahami strategi agen sbobet88 yang tepat. Ini lebih dari hanya memilih petarung favorit Anda dan bertaruh padanya. Anda juga perlu melakukan penelitian, melihat statistik, dan memahami banyak variabel yang dapat memengaruhi hasil pertandingan. Berikut adalah beberapa saran taktik yang mungkin bermanfaat bagi Anda:

  1. Pahami Petarung dan Gaya Bertarung Mereka: Setiap petarung memiliki gaya bertarung yang berbeda. Beberapa orang lebih suka bertarung berdiri, sementara yang lain lebih suka menyerah. Sangat penting untuk memahami karakteristik masing-masing pejuang.
  2. Perhatikan Tren Pertandingan: Hasil pertandingan sebelumnya dan tren kinerja pemain dapat memberikan informasi berharga. Pemain yang sedang berprestasi cenderung tampil baik dalam pertandingan berikutnya.
  3. Observasi Pelatih dan Persiapan: Persiapan petarung sebelum pertarungan sangat penting. Mengetahui apakah mereka mengalami konflik dengan pelatih atau mengalami cedera dapat memengaruhi hasil pertandingan.

Anda dapat meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk menang dalam taruhan UFC dengan strategi yang baik. Jangan lupa untuk terus mengamati perkembangan UFC dan belajar dari setiap pertarungan.

Mengambil Ancaman, Mendapat Keuntungan

Mengambil Ancaman, Mendapat Keuntungan
Mengambil Ancaman, Mendapat Keuntungan

Taruhan UFC, Bukan Sekadar Hiburan

Setelah kita mempelajari dasar-dasar taruhan UFC dan seberapa menariknya olahraga ini, mari kita bahas mengapa Anda harus melihat ke dalam dunia taruhan UFC. Berikut ini adalah beberapa alasan mengapa taruhan UFC menarik: UFC adalah olahraga yang penuh gairah.

  • Memupuk Hubungan dengan Pertandingan: Setiap detik pertandingan menjadi lebih menegangkan ketika Anda memiliki uang di jalan. Anda akan bergabung dengan pejuang pilihan Anda dan berbagi kegembiraan dan kekecewaan bersama mereka. Ini adalah cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak sensasi dari pertandingan.
  • Taruhan sebagai Hiburan Tambahan: Taruhan adalah hiburan tambahan bagi banyak orang. Ini bisa menjadi cara yang bagus untuk menambah keseruan saat menonton pertandingan dengan teman-teman atau keluarga. Ini tidak berarti Anda harus bertaruh pada setiap pertandingan, tetapi melakukannya akan membuat momen UFC menjadi lebih menarik.

Mengelola Risiko dan Keuntungan

Taruhan UFC tentu saja melibatkan risiko, seperti semua jenis perjudian idn poker 88. Namun, dengan pengetahuan yang tepat dan strategi yang bijak, Anda dapat mengelola risiko Anda dan meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk menang.

  • Manajemen Bankroll: Dalam taruhan UFC, mengelola uang adalah penting. Patuhi aturan tersebut dan tentukan berapa banyak uang yang Anda bersedia untuk diinvestasikan dalam taruhan. Selalu sisihkan uang untuk kebutuhan dan keperluan sehari-hari dan jangan pernah bertaruh melebihi kemampuan Anda.
  • Lakukan Riset: Jangan bertaruh hanya berdasarkan intuisi; lakukan penelitian mendalam sebelum bertaruh. Perhatikan statistik, tren performa petarung, dan variabel luar seperti cuaca dan perubahan dalam persiapan petarung.
  • Tetap Bersabar: Kesabaran adalah penting untuk bertaruh. Jangan bertaruh pada setiap pertandingan dengan cepat. Ketika Anda tahu cukup dan yakin dengan pilihan Anda, tunggu kesempatan yang tepat.

Bersenang-senang dengan Bertaruh

Terakhir, tetapi tidak kalah pentingnya, jangan pernah lupa bahwa main-main adalah tujuan taruhan UFC. Ini adalah cara untuk membuat pengalaman menonton pertandingan lebih baik. Hargailah kegembiraan pertandingan UFC dan nikmati aksi luar biasa dari petarung-petarung terhebat di dunia.

Itu adalah bonus tambahan jika taruhan togel4d Anda menghasilkan keuntungan. Jangan lupakan aspek hiburan dari taruhan UFC. Olahraga ini memikat fisik dan mental, dan Anda dapat bertaruh bahwa Anda akan merasakan sensasi yang lebih mendalam.


UFC adalah olahraga yang menarik, dan taruhan hanya membuatnya lebih menyenangkan. Anda dapat mengambil risiko dan mendapatkan keuntungan dari taruhan UFC dengan pengetahuan, penelitian, dan manajemen uang yang baik. Selalu ingat untuk bersenang-senang dan menikmati setiap momen pertandingan. Pastikan untuk mengejar taruhan Anda dengan hati-hati jika Anda memutuskan untuk bermain taruhan pada acara Seni Bela Diri Campuran UFC 101. Semoga keajaiban UFC menyenangkan Anda dan beruntung dalam petualangan taruhan Anda.

Empowering Young Voices: How Youth Activists Are Shaping the Future

Empowering Young Voices: How Youth Activists Are Shaping the Future

In recent years, youth activists have emerged as powerful voices for change, challenging societal norms and demanding action on critical issues. These passionate young individuals are driving movements, advocating for justice, and reshaping the world we live in. From climate change to racial equality, they are leading the way and inspiring generations to come. This article explores the impact and importance of youth activism, highlighting how these young voices are empowering themselves and shaping the future.

The Power of Youth Activism

Youth activism has proven time and again that age is not a barrier to making a difference. With the rise of social media and the accessibility of information, young people are more connected than ever, allowing them to raise awareness and mobilize support for their causes. By leveraging their voices, they have successfully influenced policymakers, challenged societal norms, and brought attention to pressing global issues.

Climate Justice: A Call to Action

One of the most prominent movements led by youth activists is the fight for climate justice. As the inheritors of a planet in crisis, young people are taking the lead in demanding urgent action to combat climate change. Inspired by environmental activists like Greta Thunberg, they have organized strikes, lobbied governments, and put pressure on corporations to prioritize sustainability. Their unwavering determination has forced the world to pay attention and take steps towards a greener future.

Social Justice and Equality: Breaking Barriers

Social Justice and Equality: Breaking Barriers

Youth activists are also at the forefront of the battle for social justice and equality. They refuse to accept the status quo and are actively working to dismantle systemic racism, gender inequality, and discrimination in all its forms. Through grassroots organizing, online campaigns, and advocacy, they are challenging oppressive structures and amplifying marginalized voices. Their efforts are not only creating a more inclusive society but also inspiring others to join the fight for a fairer world.

Mental Health Advocacy: Destigmatizing the Conversation

Mental health has long been a topic shrouded in silence and stigma. However, youth activists are changing the narrative by openly discussing mental health issues and advocating for better support systems. Through social media platforms and community initiatives, they are promoting mental health awareness, offering resources, and pushing for comprehensive mental health education in schools. Their commitment to destigmatizing mental health is crucial in ensuring that no one suffers in silence and that necessary support is available to all.


The rise of youth activism is a powerful testament to the strength of young voices and their potential to shape the future. From climate justice to social equality and mental health advocacy, these young activists are driving meaningful change in society. By harnessing their passion, determination, and connectivity, they have successfully brought attention to critical issues and inspired millions to take action. As we move forward, it is essential to empower and amplify youth voices, recognizing their unique perspectives and contributions. The future belongs to them, and by supporting their activism, we can collectively create a better world for all.

Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Youth Activism

Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Youth Activism

In recent years, youth activism has emerged as a powerful force in driving social and political change. Young people around the world are taking to the streets, organizing strikes, and demanding action on various issues. One of the most pressing concerns facing humanity today is climate change, which has become a rallying point for youth activists worldwide. This article delves into the impact of climate change on youth activism, highlighting the urgency and resilience of young activists in the face of this global crisis.

I. Understanding Climate Change: A Brief Overview

Before delving into the impact on youth activism, it is important to grasp the gravity of the climate crisis. Climate change refers to long-term shifts in weather patterns and temperature, primarily caused by human activities such as burning using fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. Its consequences are far-reaching and include rising temperatures, extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and the loss of biodiversity. The urgency of the situation demands immediate action from all sectors of society, and youth activists are leading the charge.

II. The Rise of Youth Activism

Passionate Voices: Youth activists have been at the forefront of climate change activism, bringing a fresh perspective and unwavering determination to the cause. They recognize the consequences that future generations will face if urgent action is not taken, and they refuse to be silenced. Through social media platforms, youth-led organizations, and local grassroots movements, young activists are amplifying their voices and demanding change.

Global Movements: Inspired by young activists like Greta Thunberg, the Fridays for Future movement has gained momentum worldwide. Every Friday, students around the globe skip school to protest inaction on climate change, demanding that governments take immediate and tangible steps to combat the crisis. The international nature of these protests highlights the interconnectedness of the climate crisis and the need for global collaboration.

III. Motivations and Challenges Faced by Youth Activists

Motivations and Challenges Faced by Youth Activists
Motivations and Challenges Faced by Youth Activists

Fear for the Future: The youth activists driving the climate movement are motivated by the fear of an uncertain future. They understand that the consequences of inaction will be borne by their generation and those to come. The urgency of their message reflects the deep concern they feel for the planet and future generations.

Inadequate Political Response: Despite the overwhelming evidence and scientific consensus on climate change, political responses have often been inadequate. This lack of action can be demoralizing for youth activists who put tremendous effort into raising awareness and demanding change. However, it also fuels their determination to fight for a sustainable future.

IV. The Impact of Climate Change on Youth Activism

Amplifying Awareness: Climate change serves as a unifying force for youth activism, galvanizing young people across borders and cultures. As the impacts of climate change become more visible, the urgency to act is further reinforced. Young activists are utilizing various mediums, such as social media, art, and storytelling, to raise awareness and mobilize communities.

Fostering Resilience: The challenges posed by climate change can be overwhelming, but youth activists have shown remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. They refuse to back down, even when faced with skepticism or apathy. The urgency of the climate crisis has united young activists in a common goal, fostering resilience and determination to effect meaningful change.

V. The Importance of Youth-Led Solutions

Innovation and Creativity: Youth activists bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the table. Their creativity and willingness to challenge the status quo have the potential to reshape the dialogue around climate change and drive sustainable solutions.

Intersecting Movements: Climate change intersects with various other social justice movements, including racial equity, gender equality, and indigenous rights. Youth activists understand the importance of addressing these interconnected issues and strive for an inclusive and just transition to a sustainable future.


Climate change has had a profound impact on youth activism, igniting a global movement that demands immediate action to combat the crisis. Youth activists are not only raising awareness but also driving tangible change through their unwavering determination and resilience. As the consequences of climate change become increasingly apparent, it is crucial to support and amplify the voices of these young activists. Their passion, creativity, and commitment offer hope for a more sustainable future, inspiring us all to take action and create lasting change.

Are we working well together?

Are we working well together?

blog by Cathy Sharp, Research for Real

One of the recent highlights of my working life was a week when I took part in contrasting events and activities across Scotland. These spanned people and settings as wide ranging as academics interested in how to create ‘meaningful dialogue drawing on diverse knowledge’; care home managers wanting to engage staff, relatives and residents much more in creating high quality care; and GPs and other health and social care professionals interested in how their own developing collaborative leadership practices might produce better outcomes for people and communities. The highlight of a stimulating week was taking part in a Space Unlimited Lasting Change event that brought young people and teachers from different schools together to explore how to engage and sustain young people to be genuine and active partners in learning.

If there was a theme of the week, it might have been ‘how we talk to each other’ and ‘how we work together’ to learn. It seems to be all about relationships, not so much ‘who you know’ as ‘how you know’ – in and through relationships, where people can come together, to take the time to really know each other as human beings. In talking about their own experience of the Space Unlimited enquiry process, one of the young people said, that “there are people with good ideas out there, but they don’t feel confident or in the environment to share them”. My mind drifted to the staff meetings where most people don’t take part and those who shout the loudest get heard. Another young person suggested “all it takes is one conversation where your ideas get heard and it feels better” and so transported me back to my relief after sharing my anxieties about my mother with her care home manager. Then I heard that some [other young] people were coming to the Space Unlimited enquiry for different reasons, like getting out of class, and that it slowed things down for everyone else. Again, I was back in those meetings where you lose the will to live. And the young people must have known what I was thinking because next came “sometimes older people don’t feel heard either, or comfortable to share their ideas”.

It was an emotional and positive day. I shared these nuggets and got a Twitter howl of recognition from some unexpected quarters. It seems we’re not working well together, when we often say that this is want we want to do and just when, perhaps more than ever, this is what we need to do.

Words like challenge and disruption are strong words that might induce fear and conjure mayhem in our minds. But how might we ‘positively disrupt’ the unspoken ground-rules and invisible norms of school and working life? The ‘rules’ about who talks and when, who is heard and how the way we do this might be a tool for joint enquiry and learning – genuinely thinking and working together, whether we’re teachers and pupils, managers and carers or GPs and patients. We could learn a lot from young people, who have shown that, given the right conditions, they can say simply and sincerely what they see or feel in dialogue with others. And when they do this, the conversation almost always shifts to something more open, interesting and more possibility and hope-full. The young people sense this potential:

“I just don’t get why more of school can’t be like this, I mean, we learn about everything else – well, when we actually study – but not …you know…’us’.”

Can we all take more time to ‘study us’? Imagine what we might learn if we did.


If you’re interested to hear more about the Working Well programme, check out the case study here.

New Trustees

New Trustees

Can you contribute your knowledge and experience to make a difference? Do you believe young people deserve a voice?

 Space Unlimited has vacancies for new Trustees and we would love to hear from you.

Non-remunerated. This post is voluntary, although reasonable expenses, related to your duties as a Trustee, will be paid.

Four Board meetings per annum in Glasgow.

Established in 2006, Space Unlimited is a charity and social enterprise based in Glasgow working across Scotland. We support organisations to work in direct collaboration with young people in order to design and take action together. Our innovative youth-led enquiry process is a powerful catalyst for more collaborative leadership and for building skills and resilience – in individuals, within groups and across wider communities.

We are seeking to attract applicants for two positions on the Board. One with knowledge and experience of the fundraising sector and one from the social justice sector.

Our Board of Trustees guides our future and we are looking to make an appointment that will further strengthen and complement the skills and experience of our existing Board and help us deliver our strategic plan. As a Trustee you should be passionate about young people’s role in making change happen.

Please contact Lucy Walker on 0141 424 1403 or to discuss further. A CV and an idea of what knowledge and experience you can bring to the organisation will be really helpful, but in the first instance let’s have a chat.


This is an open application process with no set deadline.

Confident Transitions - trip to Loch Lomond

Confident Transitions – trip to Loch Lomond

Our Confident Transitions programme supports young people who are uncertain about their next steps after school and helps them to learn more about themselves, their passions and their talents.

The past year we’ve been supporting a group of S4 pupils (from Drumchapel High, St Thomas Aquinas, John Paul Academy and St Paul’s RC High School) through our Confident Transitions programme, and we took them on a trip to Loch Lomond to end the school year and reflect on their journey so far with us. The day was a lot of fun and we wanted to share some of the photographs of what we got up to:

Challenges centered around teamwork, focus and communication.
A scenic ferry trip from Tarbet to Inversnaid.
Reflection – woodland walks to reflect on what the young people feel they’re now more confident in, and how they feel about their ability to make change happen in their lives.

Islay and Jura

Last month we visited Isle of Islay to begin an exciting new long-term project, funded by Fourteen, which aims to help support young peoples’ aspirations on Islay and Jura. We ran some taster activities at Islay High School to recruit pupils that are interested in working with us and making a real difference in their community.

We asked the pupils to discuss the services and opportunities available to young people on the islands, before asking them to think about the following question:

How can we help to build a community that better supports the needs and aspirations of ALL local young people?

They were encouraged to respond with ideas based on their own sense of passion as well as the possibility of it happening, before considering the likely impact and effort of a project. Lots of great ideas were discussed – a bakery/youth cafe, community garden, gaming centre and more – and presented to a supporting group made up of local organisations, the Fourteen panel, parents and teachers.

Comments from the supporting group:

There is so much great energy in the room.
Can’t believe how professional they are.
The ideas are already sparking interest and support – and connections to other possibilities.
The group all seem to have grown in confidence.

We’re looking forward to returning to Islay to provide support to all involved in this project – the pupils as well as the group who will be assisting them – so their ideas can take shape and become meaningful over the next 18 months.

Funded by the Fourteen Programme | Foundation Scotland

New Urban Voices at MAKLab

New Urban Voices at MAKLab

Our New Urban Voices project aimed to help groups of young people in Dundee and Angus to influence and lead change in their local communities. A collaboration with Creative Frontline, we paired groups of young people with experienced designers, artists and council workers in an effort to play a part in their changing areas. In Angus, the project continues to focus on the upcoming community campus – what would make it feel more like part of the community, and how it can feel like a valuable resource for the whole community of Forfar and not ‘just a school’.

Last week we brought project participants to the MAKLab digital fabrication studio in Glasgow – pupils from across all year groups of Forfar Academy designed ideas for the campus and brought them to life through model making. They thought about the look and feel of the internal environment – decoration, signage, colour schemes; and, the outdoor spaces on campus – how they might be used for learning, relaxation and welcome. Prototypes were created through laser cutting, laser etching, 3D printing, glue guns and other traditional model making methods and materials. They created some signage for the inside of the building, but mostly focused their efforts on the outdoor spaces, building models of:

Outdoor classrooms
‘Nature-hide’ study rooms with working lights
Water features to highlight all the schools and communities connected to the campus
Play parks for all ages
Viewing decks and work platform
School ‘house’ seating area
Summer houses for socialising and games
Standing stones for a ‘quiet reflective space’
And, new recycling bins for all around the campus

An amazing day was had by all and the team at MAKLab – specifically Delphine, Andrew and Louise – were amazing with the group. It was great to see the young people so quickly making sense of how their designs might come to life in conversations with the MAKlab team, and to see them getting set up and working independently after only brief instructions and guidance on the software.

All of the models created will be exhibited both within the school to other pupils and staff and also in their local community at community engagement and pop–up events in August and beyond.

Funded by Kickstarter, Creative Scotland, the RSA, Dundee City Council and Angus Council.

Alcohol-Related Harm

Alcohol-Related Harm

Previously we worked with pupils at Port Glasgow High School, Inverclyde, to look into the issues that young people in the area face in relation to alcohol misuse and alcohol-related harm. We are onto the second phase of this project now, working with them to implement the ideas they identified with us through youth-led enquiry. The ideas are both school and community focused and include:

  • using social media more effectively to engage with young people
  • designing activities for a local youth club
  • school-based events that can support a dialogue between young people and their parents on alcohol misuse
  • designing and piloting school-based peer support activities for young people
Young people again will be leading these projects.
Funded through the Scotch Whisky Action Fund, Foundation Scotland and The Robertson Trust.