Who is a Space Unlimited Coach?
You’re not quite a project manager, though there’s a project to be managed. You’re not quite a leader, though there’s leadership required. You’re a facilitator, but you’re not obliged to make things too facile. You’re not a teacher, though you are a learner. You’re an observer, but you’re an insider too.
SU projects are directed by the young people participating in them. When given a real challenge, and with the support of a coach, young people own their process of discovery. Their sense of purpose creates direction.
Space Unlimited project coaches use HOW. – our methodology to foster the conditions for unlocking creativity. Each project has a dedicated coach, identified and briefed by SU. See how we see the coaches role in a Space Unlimited project here or download it here.
Read the coaches How. here. Download the coaches How. here.
If you feel you could be a Space Unlimited coach or just want to find out more please get in touch.